Tuesday, March 22, 2011

2011 Oakland A's Season

                With being a huge Oakland Athletics fan I am very excited for the 2011 baseball season. For the A’s this season should be an interesting season keeping their great young pitching staff from last year but at the same time adding in crafty veterans like Brian Fuentas into the mix should really boost the team moral for this season. With very few pickups over the year it was not a very big off season for the Oakland Athletics. The few pickups they did make should fill some of the gaps they had from last season. The A’s did make a few pickups for the 2011 season, such as David DeJesus and Connor Jackson but the question is still asked, “Will the hitting this year pickup enough to push the A’s over the hump?” this is very important considering that the division still hosts the 2010 ALCS champions the Texas Rangers and the 2003 World Series Champion Anaheim Angels.  
                I feel that the Oakland A’s did make some moves in the right direction during the off season, but are still having the same problems that they have encountered in the past. They still lack a dominate power hitter that will hit over 30 homeruns this year to increase their run production. Also on a team that the average batting average last year was around .250 they need to increase the team average to at least .270 and I do not feel that these pickups are enough to do that.
                So once again A’s my fellow A’s fans I am sorry to say, but I think we are going to spend another post season at home watching someone else’s team playing during the playoffs. I mean anything can happen in America’s greatest pastime, but with such a strong division and schedule it’s not looking good. I just that we can finally keep our whole team through the whole season and not make that famous Billy Beane move and trade away our best players at the all-star break. Whatever the outcome of this season you can count on two things: me being planted on the couch in front of the television watching every game and finding me in the parking lot tailgating weekly. See you at the ball park GO A’S!!!!!

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