Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Baseball's Team of The 70's

                While everyone knows about the New York Yankees dominance over World Series in major league baseball very few people now about the team voted the best team of the century by Sports Illustrated in 2000. The Oakland A’s have been deemed baseball’s team of the 70’s and maybe even the team of the decade. Winning three consecutive world serious titles and going to the playoffs five years in a row it’s hard to argue that this is not correct.  
                With one of the best pitching staffs to every play the game and multiple hall of famers in the field the 70’s Oakland Athletics were a team that can never be matched. If it wasn’t for their idiot owner Charlie Finley who sold the players off for money the A’s may have continued to keep wining World Series into the 80’s.Players from the trade like Reggie Jackson went on to continue at their hall of fame pace after the trade never slowing down. Most of them are still so hurt by the past owner breaking up the brother hood these young players once had that most didn’t even go into the hall of fame as Athletics. The Oakland Athletics may not be the Yankees but they will forever live in my hearth as the best team to ever play the game. You can argue this point but just look at the number from 1970 to 1976 and tell me I’m wrong.

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