Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Drinking and Softball

                If you have not noticed this far into my blog I am a huge softball fan. Some people call me a softball slut because I will play on any team that asks no matter how good or bad they are. With all of the softball I play I get a lot of criticism because of the bad stigmas surrounding softball and drinking. People feel that softball is just a bunch of men going out getting drunk and throwing a ball around. This is not always the case. Yes drinking beer and softball go hand and hand there is another side of the game that most people do not realize.
                For many people softball acts as an activity to replace bad habits they may have had in the past and help keep them on the right path. I have many friends that I play with to this day that used to be in and out of rehab and continuously having a problem staying clean. So some of the rehab clinics in the area got together and decided that it would be a good idea to put a softball team together to give them something else to do and still have the support of other people going through the same problems. These teams have become huge in the city of Concord and the success rate has been tremendous. The softball clean and sober program is just one of the many advantages of the game.
                Me personally I do better in school and stay out of trouble more when I have a sporting activity to look forward to play. I have always gotten better grades when I was playing a sport. Before playing softball I had been arrested a couple of times for DUI and DIP (driving under the influence and drunk in public) but when I started playing softball all of my trouble stopped and my grades went through the roof.
                Yea we may throw back a couple of beers after a game but it is not the same game our dads played when we were kids. A lot of us take it too seriously and have too much on the line to get drunk and go play. So next time you think of softball as just another beer league think again. Who knows you may even find yourself on the field one day in the future.

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